Friday, November 19, 2010

Onto Athens and Cairo!

I am currently sitting in the Newark airport, several hours into our looong layover before our flight to Athens and I am breathing a big sigh of relief. My final project for my fall graduate class, several days of thoughtful lesson plans, a clean house, packed suitcases, tentative day-to-day trip plans, I made it! I am now in the midst of my husband, his parents, two younger sisters, and younger brother and am working to coordinate what everyone's "hopes" for our adventure actually are...

We will be arriving in Athens mid-day on Saturday and have lots and lots to see! So whose job is it to organize, prioritize, map, and strategize? Mine, with Daniel as my steady side kick and voice of reason-as-to-what-is-possible-with-seven-people.

Other highlights of plans? We have a day trip to Mycenae on Monday, fly to Cairo on Tuesday, and will be splitting off Thursday as Daniel and I fly to Luxor to visit the Valley of the Kings, and the rest of the Hals clan heads up to visit the city of Alexandria for the day.

We're really excited. Everyone is a little tired. Personally, I am exhausted. But, the mental break is incredibly welcome and I can't help but to break into a big wide grin everytime I envision the Parthenon gloriously watching over the city from the Acropolis. :) ...And then the smile gets even wider when I realize that I am actually going to be standing in front of the pyramids and one of the wonders of the world in just a few days!

I don't know what the internet situation is going to be, but I'll post when I can. :)
~Mrs. Hals

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